Twitter Discussion: What’s Wrong With Nokia?

Twitter is know for open debates and extreme opinions. And we ran into a conversation yesterday, with over 100 tweets flying around from the tech community (includes our team). And where did all this start from? Well as we trace it down, it all began with one simple concern – ‘Whats wrong with Nokia?’. We are sure, every single person tweeting in this discussion has at some point or the other in their ‘mobile life’ has been a Nokia / Symbian user (some still are!)

This little conversation between Nitish (@nkumar_) and Nimish (OG Editor, @nimishdubey), seems to have sparked off the entire discussion. And it turned out to be so interesting, that we decided to feature it here.

Majority of the debate revolved around the platform issue with Nokia. It’s well known that Nokia can churn out some of the best hardware in the industry (though yours truly, did debate that), but a majority of their problems currently are at the OS end. The one ray of hope i.e. MeeGO sure came into the discussion, and while we do see optimism for it, the tech pundits don’t look very excited.


And since the discussions started with whats wrong, there is little surprise that many took out time to dig the past. Be it the success of Nokia or the super #fail. We did hear some love for the Maemo powered N900, and it sure raises expectations from MeeGO.

Discussing, the history could have taken its own few dozen tweets, but thankfully that didn’t happen. The discussion quickly moved on. There was a lot to be talked about. Nokia fans can be quick to point out the great battery life and that would certainly touch the heart for Android and iOS users who would kill for a good battery. But then the fire back with T9 on a full touchscreen (as seen on N8) … the QWERTY wars followed. The over enthusiastic @whizkidd (OG team) even fired off a video showing off the T9 keyboard on his Omnia HD, in reply to a challenge.

The twitterers had a lot to discuss, ranging from tablets from Nokia to the apps ecosystem. Many things boiled down to personal taste/choice. Its unfortunate that we do not have a common #tag to log these tweets, but then this was a completely unplanned conversation that erupted on our twitter timelines.

Going forward, we would love to engage in such discussions on twitter and we are calling it, ‘OnlyGizmos Open House on Twitter’. The hashtag would be #OGOH. Staty tuned to @onlygizmos, for these discussions.

Here are some more tweets from our Timeline:

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  • There are two things about Nokia as of now.

    1. Still one of the greatest manufactures of mobile/cell phones with their superior Battery life, overall build, camera etc etc
    2. But, They are going no where with Symbian. They have to switch to Android as MeeGO has no future, and trust me WebOS is just couple of days from reach.

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