Now, Pune residents can get bus travel info on Google Maps

Pune has become the second city in India, after Bangalore, to get information about its bus service listed on Google Maps as part of the Google Transit project. In simple terms, what this means is that when residents of Pune need to figure out how to get from one place of their city to another, all they need to do is look up Google Maps and they will not only get the route, but also the buses they need to take to get there. To quote  the entry on Google’s blog,, users would get “step by step directions for the entire route including frequency, travel duration for each leg of the trip in text and on the map.” Now, considering what we have heard about Pune’s bus service, that is extremely handy information to have when you venture out.

So, one now has information about Delhi Metro, Bangalore’s bus routes, and and Pune’s bus service on Google Maps. What’s next: Kolkata’s metro service? Chennai’s local train service? Mumbai’s local and bus details? Bring it on, Google. We just love it.

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