WiFi Direct, Will It Replace Bluetooh? (Comments from Bluetooth Inventor)

We saw LG demonstrating WiFi direct features on its Android smartphones at CES 2011 (Engadget has a video) and for quite a while we are wondering if this would replace Bluetooh. Most smartphones today feature both Bluetooth and WiFi and it would make sense to have only WiFi that would work for both purposes. As LG (and we presume others) work to iron out the WiFi direct performance issues and prepare the technology for prime time, we quizzed none other than Jaap Haartsen (the Inventor of Bluetooth) at the IIT B Techfest 2011. So what does Jaap feel about WiFi direct?

Well he made it clear that Bluetooh is best for WPAN (Wireless Personal Area Network) and WiFi rocks for WLAN. He also highlighted the robust nature of Bluetooth during his talk and mentioned the power efficiency of Bluetooth when we threw the WiFi direct question to him during our exclusive interview. Here is the answer by Jaap Haartsen from our Interview (complete Interview coming up soon).

While WiFi replacing Bluetooth is a distant dream, if you are trying to move around a LOT of data wirelessly, perhaps WiFi direct would make life easier for you!

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One comment

  • Why has no one created a simple app for bluetooth on android type phones for text messages via Personal area network or mesh net work.?

    Egypt could use that right now as well as any other place where communications would be turned of or shut down by disaster.

    At the same time creating software that would be plug and play for laptops to become hubs or teletypes.

    The point is there are enough phones to make controlling communication almost impossible outside of deliberate radio jamminf or a EMP.

    I do not have the skills to create a “liberator network” but I have the idea. Who out there can grow the seed?

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