Crazy Rubik’s Cube action @ Technovanza 2010

One of the many impressive views at the VJTI annual festival – Technovanza was the Rubik’s cube competition. Endorsed by the World Cube association the competition at Technovanza saw rubik’s enthusiasts from all over India going head to head. Having seen our friend Varun perform at Barcamp Mumbai 6 and later at Startup Saturday Mumbai, I was sure that he would be the show stopper out there. But then there were these magical kids who managed to show us such black magic that I got to say this – Your got to see this, to believe it! The videos below would give you an idea of what we have witnessed over the weekend:

1. Varun performing at Barcamp Mumbai 6 – 3×3 Cube

2. Bernett at Technovanza (13.69 seconds!)

3. Varun vs Bernett at Technovanza

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