GizmoMeet #5 Pune – Photos & Videos

The OnlyGizmos team is proud to announce that GizmoMeet Pune was our biggest ever. With just under 100 in attendance, our venue Cafe 1730 was put to test every passing moment on Saturday evening, yet we had an exciting meetup filled with never ending energy. It was fun to have a bunch of kids turnup to get their hands on some motion gaming and even the grown ups enjoyed some boxing in front of the LCD screen (I again apologize to the Highway 61 guitarist whom I accidentally punched.)

Pune has been close to my heard ever since I participated in BlogCamp Pune in 2009. Having made over 15 visits to the city in the last 2 years, Pune has been like second home for me. Its thrilling to receive such a warm welcome by the tech community in Pune, GizmoMeet is looking forward to make another visit later this year!

Here, are some photos and videos from the event:

GizmoMeet Kinect Pune #5

GizmoMeet Pune #5 Junta

GizmoMeet Pune #5 Junta 2

GizmoMeet Pune #5 Sitting

Xbox Kinect Setup

3D by Shoonya

Microsoft Natural 4000

Kids enjoy this

OnlyGizmos Introduction

gizmomeet sandeep


While it’s the last thing on our mind at a GizmoMeet, it was the first time when we trended India wide on Twitter. All other Gizmomeets have trended at a city level before. This is encouraging. Gizmo hugs to Pune!

GizmoMeet Twitter Trending Pune

User uploads by: Abhishek Gupta / Rishi Nangia / Kunal Gautam (If you have uploaded images of the event, please send the album links to tassavur at, we shall add it here)

App demos:

We added a new segment to GizmoMeet #5 with live app demos and launches. We were thrilled to have amazing developers from Pune showcasing their innovation and even launching their new versions at the event.

T-shirt sponsors: (Tech themed t-shirts made from eco-friendly organic cotton)



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