Dislike Unorganized Chairs in Your Office? Nissan Has a Solution With Self Parking Chairs

Dislike Unorganized Chairs in Your Office? Nissan Has a Solution With Self Parking Chairs

If you have an OCD for cleanliness or just generally are a very organised person then having chairs scattered across a meeting room is your worst nightmare. Walk straight and you end up bumping into a dozen chairs before you reach the other end of the room, it’s never a pretty sight. So far, the only solution is for one person to manually put the chairs back into their place and prevent a potential injury.

No more, though, as Nissan has come up with a brilliant concept of self-parking chairs. The chair takes inspiration from Self Parking cars where the car is able to find the parking slot and fit itself well. The chair can turn 360 degrees and is able to move to lock its target, which is the parking location thanks to the four cameras in the room that helps generate a bird’s eye view to route the chair to its position.

The entire opration is overseen by a WiFi network, to which the chairs are connected. You simply need to clap, which gives the signal for the chairs to align themselves and watch the magic happen. The chairs are most certainly not going to be hitting the market anytime soon and are more of a showcase of the capabilities of the company. Having said that, it is definitely an interesting concept and one to keep an eye on.


Arpit is a Digital Marketeer who is perpetually disturbed by what is flying in the sky and being kicked around at Old Trafford.
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