Mark Zuckerberg is a comic book hero!

He is the man who gave the world one of its most popular social networks, has been the subject of a film and several books, and is now a comic book hero. Or almost. We are talking of Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, who is soon to become the subject of a comic book. Fortunately, he is just going to be seen as himself rather than as some superhero (although some might think he is one!). In December, Bluewater Productions will come out a biographical comic book called “Mark Zuckerberg: Creator of Facebook.” It will be a 48 page giant sized issue priced at $6.99, written by Jerome Maida and penciled by Sal Field, with cover art by Michal Szyksznian. A tad expensive, but we think we will pick up an issue. Now, who was it who said that techies cannot be comic book heroes?

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