Palm Pre Gets Android Gingerbread AOSP Port

There are plenty WebOS fans around and I always wanted a WebOS port for my Nexus One, but I guess that will remain a dream as of now. For now we have a great news for all the Palm Pre users out there, now your device can also dual-boot into latest version of Android (Android 2.3 Gingerbread).

I was a bit surprised when i heard the news that a developer named k3dar managed to port Android 2.3 on the Pre, as I remember someone had also tried to do the same in 2009 but it was very buggy and many of the features did not work and it was not a complete port.

This time there is a video which shows Android running pretty smoothly on the Pre. The procedure to get Android on Pre is a bit complex and currently can only be done on LINUX operating systems. This is a great development as it takes a lot of hard work to get Android 2.3 running on a very old 600 MHz OMAP 3430 processor.

The port is still buggy and lags sometimes and is not recommended for daily use, but I am sure that all the Pre users will be happy to try the port and use it in dual-boot rather than not having Android.

Many people are happy about this port, but i am still dreaming about WebOS running on any Android device. Why are the developers not trying to port other operating systems like windows phone 7 and WebOS to Android device? I guess they are more than happy with the Android custom ROMS.

You can also check out the video of Android running on the Palm Pre :


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