Pointless $499 App Appears On Windows Phone Marketplace

Picture this: You’re a rich spoilt brat who recently got yourself that prized Windows Phone 7 powered device, and now you want to make it stand out from the rest of the Windows Phone 7 pack. You are averse to doing cheesy stuff like embalming your phone with gold or stud it with diamonds. So what do you do? Well, the Windows Phone 7 Marketplace is here to help you out!
Remember the ridiculous $1000 app that was once available for the iPhone? Although it lasted for only a few hours at the Apple App Store, it did make its puny little mark in history (or we wouldn’t be talking about it, would we?). A similar app has now appeared for Windows Phone 7 users. Priced at just $499, it does nothing much apart from displaying how much you spent on it.
Aptly called the “I’m Rich” app, this is currently the best way to flaunt your money in a slightly geeky way. If you’re wondering about the $499 price tag being a tad too low, the developer could not price it any higher since the Windows Phone Marketplace has a ridiculous $499 price cap on its apps.

So how many of you are planning to invest in this thing. We are not sure how long this one would last on the App Market – so you might want to hurry up a little?

[Via CrunchGear]

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