Skype For Android Has Serious Security Flaw; Exposes Confidential Information

Folks over at Android Police have managed to unearth a serious flaw with the Android version for Skype wherein it could end up displaying confidential information regarding you to a malicious app – should you happen to install one on your phone. The problem with Skype was detected when Android Police’s Justin Case was trying out a leaked version of the Skype Video app on the HTC Thunderbolt. For some reason, he decided to take a closer look at the app and was shocked at what he saw.

He figured that the he can create a rogue application that would run on the phone and Skype would make all your personal details available to this app – without even having to root your phone or even needing special permissions. It was then assumed that this being a leaked version, this was acceptable. To his dismay, he figured that even the Skype app currently available for download from the Android Market has this vulnerability! This literally puts all 10 million users of this app at risk!

Here’s a YouTube video displaying how easy it is to gain access to Skype and leak your personal information.

Skype has posted a small note on their blog acknowledging the security hole. However, they are yet to disclose how and when they plan to fix this one.

[Via Android Police]


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