The Age of Stupid – Time for a reality check

I have just returned after a terrific 18 hour coverage of the IIT Techfest 2010 Day 1 and the last event I attended was the screening of this Documentary / Movie – The Age of Stupid. While in another 6 5 hours I am supposed to be running around the IIT B campus again going wild over the live coverage challenge that the OG Team has taken up, there is something I couldn’t held back within myself – and that’s desire to make a difference!

 So what was this – Age of Stupid? Nothing too extreme. We have seen movies with the earth ending before and we will continue to see them. But not always do you see them from an educative and world problem status, rather just entertainment. And never do you discuss the problem faced by entire mankind after watching such cinema with a dozen of IIT minds…

Over the past few months / years I tried different things to make a difference. One of these last things I did was an attempt to educate street kids. But the busy work schedule just killed the cause after just 2 weeks of work. Though I know my fellow members at Nischay would get this working, something I know as a very powerful medium is the Internet. And today I have gotten this feeling that OnlyGizmos can serve some thing to a cause that has an element of technology in it. What exactly, I don’t know yet…

 It was at the techfest last year that I came across these words by a performing team from UK – “I might not be the one who would change the world, but I sure want to be the one who sparks that mind”. I have no big words for what we plan to do, and there is always this goggles of a commercial interest through which we might be seen. Nevertheless, I am focusing at-least some bandwidth that I have in my daily routine to genuinely encourage clean tech and hopefully would get some support from the selfless people who screened this documentary at the Techfest yesterday.


Wake Up, Freak Out – then Get a Grip

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One comment

  • Ankur,
    Good to see so much developments in the site. Are you working full time on this? I would hardly get 2/3 hours daily after a hectic work schedule. Keep it up man. take care and keep in touch

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