Will Android hit half-a-million activations a day soon?

Android, nicknamed the ‘Droid’ is the latest buzz everywhere. Jeff Huber, Senior Vice President of Google’s Commerce and Local, stated at recent discussion of Google’s Q1 of 2011 about the massive growth of Android devices and revealed 350,000 Android devices are being activated everyday.

Now, that is roughly 2.5million activations a week. That’s a massive rise in comparison to the 60,000 a year ago. With over 3 billion applications installed; no wonder we see a huge 50% rise over the 4th quarter of 2010.

Android activation rising to 350k.

Further, they also expect a rise in the Android market. Surely at this rate we’ll be hearing about half-a-million Android phones being activated daily very soon. Both the tablet as well as phone sector expects a huge growth along with new devices being released and has great importance in International market in the coming days especially in Europe & Asia.


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