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  • And here’s why…. Apple won’t ever be able to sell iPad in India and why it isn’t actually interested in bring it to India either.

  • I think I would reject it too. No eReaders for me.

    It’s either a Audio Book or a Actual book.

    Audiobooks are a nice way forward [ http://www.audible.com ] and the same book your dad rejected is available at a regular price of $9.10 (about Rs. 400). Not bad I think.

    Not that the iPad cannot do Audiobooks. But I won’t buy a iPad for it as even the smaller ipods or a compatible MP3 player (from a very choice list) can play audiobooks.

    But nothing quite like a actual hard book in your hand. I would when I am about 50+ but at the moment I just got bit by the Audiobooks bug. Nice for people on the go!

    But heard that iPad is set to do much more then books and move on into eMagazines & eNewsPapers etc etc.

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