GameHouse Fusion, the new Social-Gaming Platform

You maybe familiar with RealNetworks for their famous audio and video streaming technologies. With the acquisition of GameHouse back in 2004, they have now launched GameHouse Fusion at the Web 2.0 Expo this week.

You maybe familiar with RealNetworks for their famous audio and video streaming technologies. With the acquisition of GameHouse back in 2004, they have now launched GameHouse Fusion at the Web 2.0 Expo this week.

GameHouse Fusion is a platform for game developers to integrate social media features into their games with much ease. It is very similar to what Ngmoco has done for the iPhone and iPad platforms, but this is on a much larger scale. The service will help create profile for gamers through their social networking profiles. It will offer features like leaderboards, top-scores and the ability to create online cross-platform tournaments and add virtual rewards. Developers will also have control over advertising, in-game currency and an analytical tool to show how gamers are interacting with the game and how they can improve their associated revenue.

Without any extra work developers will be able to port their games to different platforms. One, the game is submitted to the Fusion SDK, GameHouse will ready the game to deploy it on a different platform by using its, ‘Emerge” technology.

This is the first time anyone has implemented such an approach for game rankings over cross-platforms, and I believe this will attract a lot of attention. GameHouse Fusion has already deployed more than 1000 games on Facebook and is also supported by major gaming sites and services like Comcast, PopCap Games, Mattel, Qualcomm and Myspace. At the moment, it allows developers to publish games for distribution on PC game portals and major social sites. It is announced that later this year SDKs for iPad, iPhone, Internet TV’s, Android, Brew and various other devices will be available.

At the moment it is available to developer by applying to a private closed beta and after a few months the company plans to open the Fusion SDK for other developers who want to use this new technology. Social media is surely buzzing and integration seem to be the driving point for many products. Evolving market, as we said before

Source: CNET

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