N900 Will Dual Boot To Meego

If you have been hesitant to buy the N900 because you thought you’d be better off buying a MeeGo device when they are launched sometime in 2011, worry not! The MeeGo team for N900 is working on an update to the phone that would enable it to dual boot to both Maemo and MeeGo.

The PR 1.3 update- which will enable the dual boot option is on the verge of being released. Developers too can look forward to developing applications for both platforms – simultaneously using Qt and Qt Mobility APIs on the Maemo side. Imagine, developing apps and testing them out on the N900 – on a single device!

Nokia had promised earlier this year (in March) that the N900 would get a dual boot option and for once, they are on the verge of fulfilling it. All we now need is the final version of MeeGo and the first of the MeeGo devices to appear.

That said, if you have been wondering whether or not to get an N900, well, go ahead!

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