Daily App (s): Apps for Steve Jobs

His demise knocked us off our Daily App routine for a while. Now we are back and it is only fair that we start off by looking at two apps about Steve Jobs. Of course, there are on the iPhone.

Sir Steve Jobs

Of all the apps on the iTunes App Store about Steve Jobs, this one is perhaps the best in terms of information. Yes, there are the odd trivia quiz apps out there, but Sir Steve Jobs, made by some Steve Jobs fans. It is actually a big reservoir of information about the man. You have profiles of him, right out of Wikipedia, but the best part of the app is the access to quotes, videos and photographs. There are a couple of options for you to post words and tributes to Jobs. However, most of the content has to be downloaded off the Web – we just wish it had all been part of one single download, especially the videos (it can be disappointing clicking on a video and then sitting waiting for it to download). Of course, people are going to wish there was more but still, all in all, this is a pretty decent app for Jobs fans. And at 5 MB not the heftiest download out there.

Download it from: iTunes App Store

Works with: iPhone


All right, this is a more fun app. All you need to do is think of a question, run the app and then, well shake the phone. Up will pop the answer to your query, sometimes with a quote from Steve Jobs. No, it is not always accurate but then it is so easy to do, and has a neat enough interface – well, it is so Steve Jobs, in a way. In some ways, this is a bit like carrying the iCEO in your pocket. A fun app, we think. Great even if you don’t want any decisions taken and just want to look at some quotes. It’s just a 1.1 MB download anyway,

Get it from: iTunes App Store

Works  with: iPhone

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