Nokia Launches Symbian Anna Laden X7 Smartphone in Taiwan

It’s a busy day for folks over at Nokia it seems. After bringing out the Symbian Anna based E6 business handset to India on preorder, the company has announced the launch of its latest multimedia smartphone, the X7 in Taiwan. The device is touted as the first Symbian Anna based device to land in Taiwan, the company said. Nokia India is making a similar claim about the E6 launch here in India as well.

Nokia’s “Anna” is an update to Symbian^3, an OS that replaced Symbian^1 last year. Symbian^3 was supposed to be replaced by Symbian^4 – however, Nokia’s Symbian plans were cut short by the adoption of Windows Phone as its primary smartphone platform earlier this year.  This latest version of Symbian gets a few feature updates, rounded icons and is overall visually more pleasing to the eyes.  

The X7 has a decent spec sheet which starts with the 8 megapixel camera with dual LED flash, the 4 inch AMOLED display and the rather whacky design. Notable features include the capability to record videos in 720p, the 8GB of memory (it comes with a 8GB SD card) and support for what Nokia calls, a capacitive stylus. The device is also social networking friendly with built in support for Twitter and Facebook. More about the X7 and its features here.

The X7 has been priced at around US$547 (Rs.24,500) in Taiwan. The device is also expected to make landfall in India without much delays. That said, this would be one of the last major launches by Nokia on the Symbian platform with company shifting loyalties to Microsoft’s Windows Phone OS earlier this year.

It remains to be seen how Nokia plans to sell a handset to folks knowing that it is based on an operating system they are giving up on.

[Via Digitimes]

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  • Erm? Whats wrong with covering a launch in one country?

    I dont know where you got that from but Anna IS an update to Symbian^3. And if you actually read the article, its mentioned that it runs on Anna, the updated version of Symbian^3.

    • By one country, I was implying either you cover the launches of the phones if every country. Covering a one off launch in one country doesn’t make sense. That too Taiwan.

      My comment was for his headline, which was that Nokia launches Symbian^3 laden X7 in Taiwan.

      Quoting Nokia Conversations blog “both of which come with a renewed version of the Symbian operating system. This version – which has been referred to previously as PR2 – is now known as Symbian Anna.”

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